Do you think that you've been purchasing more goods and services online than you usually do? If so, you are right on par with the latest news from research firm comScore. The Q4 of 2010 was a landmark banner quarter for online retailing as there was over $43 billion in sales completed.
The holiday season for 2010 witnessed the very first billion dollar day on record. Many retailers held big sales and special promotions during the holiday shopping season which prompted shoppers to spend money.
The Technology market was very strong in 2010 as many computers, electronic gadgets, software programs and accessories sold very well, especially during the holiday season.
The heavy hitters of the tech industry did the best during the quarter as the twenty-five biggest internet retailers accounted for over 68 percent of all sales. That is more that 5.5 percent better than they did a year before during the same quarter.
Many industry experts attribute these high sales to increased consumer confidence and rapidly advancing technologies. Either way its great news for the economy, online retailers and online advertising.
The holiday season for 2010 witnessed the very first billion dollar day on record. Many retailers held big sales and special promotions during the holiday shopping season which prompted shoppers to spend money.
The Technology market was very strong in 2010 as many computers, electronic gadgets, software programs and accessories sold very well, especially during the holiday season.
The heavy hitters of the tech industry did the best during the quarter as the twenty-five biggest internet retailers accounted for over 68 percent of all sales. That is more that 5.5 percent better than they did a year before during the same quarter.
Many industry experts attribute these high sales to increased consumer confidence and rapidly advancing technologies. Either way its great news for the economy, online retailers and online advertising.