An effective SEO campaign includes external link building however this can be a difficult part of your strategy. There are some key mistakes to look out for.
1. Using PageRank to assess a site's authority
The best link building strategies are based on developing links from a wide range of sites. However, not every site will have the same link value. So how do you assess what makes a good site?
It’s all about authority. One of the most popular ways of judging a site is to use PageRank but this can give you a skewed result. No one knows just how the Pagerank influences the position of a website on the search engine result pages. It is also updated only a few times a year, so has its limitations. Don’t rule it out as a metric, but use other factors to look at the authority of a site. Look at the comments made by users on the site so you get a feel for how they judge the website themselves. Also ask yourself whether readers seem to engage readily with the content there and whether the site is truly relevant to your niche.
2. Using one keyword to build links
Successful link building is based on achieving a natural link profile. Of all the searchers that link to your site it is reasonable to assume they will use a range of keyword phrases to get there. However, it is easy to fall into the trap of using your primary keyword in every link. You need to ensure that the anchor text has a mix of website address, brand name, secondary keywords and click here.