If you are checking out the management of your reputation online, in that respect their are a few obvious areas to cover. You will likely keep an eye on your industry’s review sites and forums. Your SEO company will probably keep you advised of any problems within the search engine results pages, and you’ll keep your ear to the ground in social media as well. But what about the hidden factors of online reputation management?
Google’s predictive search is one of those areas you’re not likely to consider a potential reputation hazard, but it is. A searcher typing your brand name into Google will be presented with a list of predicted searches. They’re often not all positive.
It can happen easily enough. Your brand gets a bad review or two, or you become associated with something bad, and Google puts ‘[your brand] ripoff’ – a result that does come up for a startling number of brand names.
Solving this problem is not easy. The first thing you need to do is guard against negative responses when the user clicks on that search suggestion. Work on the negative keyword so that it turns up only positive results. Your second move is some search engine reputation management, working on Google’s suggestions to edge the negative response out. The second option will take longer, and it’s a good idea to consult your SEO company for advice. You can discuss this with us at SearchEngineOptimization.co.uk.
Negative keywords can’t always be avoided, but negative results can be managed. Implement regular reputation management tactics to keep your reputation manageable.