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Top tips to analyze SEO Google Analytics style

Google AnalyticsYou may invest time in improving you SEO by building links and optimizing on site elements but still you want fast and quick results. You generally feel good by witnessing the amount of traffic to your website or blog. But you can make yourself feel awesome and satisfied by seeing short term improvement in your rankings and traffic every now and then so that you can track your targets effectively.

To achieve such results and statistics, here are the top four tips:
* Notice improvement in total indexed pages- You should aim to get more pages for indexing rather than seeing your existing pages getting index higher. You can easily see which pages are getting indexed by the total number of unique pages received at least by one non paid visitor.

* Notice improvement in total number of ranking keywords- This should be your utmost goal to find out improvement in number of ranking keywords. Which keywords are driving more traffic to your website and which ones are driving less traffic. This report will help you in some cases when you may want to exclude brand keywords for reporting.

* Notice improvement in total number of web properties driving traffic to your website- One important fundamental to check is number of other websites linking that are driving traffic to your website. This will give an insight to your efforts exposing how well you are doing.

Notice improvement in Google Merchant Traffic- Google Merchant, a free service by Google allows websites to potentially list products within the search results. The problem is, unless you tag or filter the traffic from Google Merchant you won't know how well you are doing as it will appear under 'Organic' traffic’